Saturday, December 27, 2008

Back Home?

Break was great. I got to see so many friends from home that I haven't seen since I left in August. I also got to spend some time with family. Got to see Katie and Jacob, my best friends/cousins. I also go to hang with my other cousins, Daniel, Lucy and Josh. I love them to death. Also we have two new babies on my mom sides, Bella and Jacoby. They are two of the cutest babies ever. I don't know how they parents can handle their cuteness.

Well, I am kinda back home. My parents house will always be home, but there was nothing like walking the door last night and seeing MY STUFF. So as I previously may (or may not) have mentioned, OSU works on a quarter system. Instead of 14 or 16 week semesters like most schools have, we have 10 week quarters. While most college people go back mid to late January, I go back January 5th. I have a few goals to accomplish before I go back to class. And that is what I would like to discuss in this entry.

1) READ. Next quarter I am taking 3 classes next quarter. 2 education classes with amazing professors, Dr. Bloome and Dr. Dixson. Although they are phenomenal, they also work your ass off! :) I looked at Dr. B's syllabus and almost wet my pants. It's going to be A TON of reading. I am so glad I am only taking 3 classes rather than the 4 I took last quarter. My third class is a women's studies class with Dr. Smooth. The class is focusing on the intersections of race, gender and the election.

2) WORK OUT. I am fat, and happy. I would be happier if I was skinny. The week before I went back to NJ I had gone to the gym almost every day. I don't know if I was actually losing weight, but I felt AMAZING. Being that my parents live in a crazy old people's community there were rules about who can use the gym. Since I wasn't a resident, I couldn't. With my dad's detached retina and mom's work schedule, I didn't ask either of them to go sit with me while I work out. Not really fair to them. Also not fair to my body, either. Luckily, I have this amazing friend Renee and we are back on track. She and I went to the gym this morning, and we plan on going 4-5 days a week during the quarter. I used this cybex cross trainer machine. It's amazing. My legs are KILLING me already. :)

3) HANG OUT. Well, I have been making a lot of friends and a lot of "friends." I have been doing some dating, which has been really great. I am looking forward to seeing wehre some of this is going, one in particular...all right, I'll be honest, currently, there is no one else but this one guy. He's really great. I over analyze everything, as most of you may know and often get involved with people who aren't good for me. This new guy is great. He's really sweet. I am TRYING, to take it slow, but as you know, its not one of my strong points. But I will keep you updated as there is stuff to update...but for right now, I am really happy.

4) AMERICAN IDOL. So my cousin Kim and her brother Howard are really into American Idol. I think I need to Tivo it. Any thoughts?

Hope everyone out there had a great Christmas, Hanukkah or whatever else you celebrate. I did. It was great to be home but it's also great to be back! Please don't hesitate to comment. Your comments keep me going!


Unknown said...

Elliptical cross trainer claim to have a pretty high "perceived rate of exertion". Because the user feels less pain and fatigue while exercising, the perceived period of time spent while working out is lessened, thus increasing the intensity and duration of the workout.

Cathy said...

I don't care about the science behind it. All I know is that 40 minutes on that thing and I am ready for a massage and a nap!! :)

Unknown said...

Yes, you should be Tivo'ing American Idol. It is a great distraction from whatever could be weighing on your mind.

Cathy said...

Yo H.....when does it start?