Wednesday, November 26, 2008


So, I got up at 5:30 am, packed up my stuff and the birds and headed out. I drove for 3 hours, and picked up my cousin Josh and his friend Tom in Pittsburgh. The live in this area right near the Pitt campus. I had to go down a cobblestone road and up a super steep hill to get to their place. We drove another 2 hours and stopped to refresh. Sparky, the cockatiel, needed to be fed. Honestly, I needed to be fed too. I was pretty mad because I was craving chicken nuggets but the rest area we stopped at did not have any place to get some. Annoying. It was kinda neat because I was feeding Sparky and everyone thought it was really cute. We then drove another 4.5 hours. I dropped off Josh and Tom and Tom's house and then sprinted the last half an hour home. I am so happy to be here.

I was stoked to see Riley, my parents dog. He liked the birds, a lot. In fact I think he wanted to eat them for dinner. Oh, it was pretty darned cool seeing my parents too. We also had Chinese food for dinner. Unlike the Chinese food in Ohio, this stuff was amazing. Man, I miss NJ. So tomorrow, around 2 we are having 13 people over.

I hope that everyone out there who actually reads my blog has an amazing Thanksgiving!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving. Love Judith