Thursday, June 4, 2009


Ok, so I know it has been a long time since I have really written. Well, to be honest, I have had a lot going on. I will address each of the things that have been consuming my life.

1) School. I have (almost) successfully completed 3 quarters of my Ph.D. program. This quarter, I was taking 4 classes, in addition to supervising. Needless to say it was crazy sometimes. My summer vacation will consist of another 6 weeks of classes. I know you are asking, why are you so crazy with classes. The answer: I want to get done this program ASAP. The other reason is that I actually LIKE to learn. So, I will probably take another 1 1/4- 1 1/2 years of coursework and then start working on my qualifiying exams. If and when I pass them, then it's onto my dissertation. I have no diea yet as to what it will be about. It keeps changing as I take new classes and learn new things. Some of the things I am currently interested are: multicultural literature, teacher education, and resistance.

2) Boys. So I was dating a guy from December to March. That didn't end so pleasantly. Basically my heart was broken. It's funny how much we learn in retrospect. Looking back, I have no anger or anything towards him, in fact I wish him the best. BUT I realize how NOT good he was for me. So, after a few months of random dating...and I mean dating, not sleeping around. I have been dating a new guy. He's pretty great. He's smart, handsome, and caring. I am really looking forward to seeing where it goes. I just need to make sure I don't become my own worst enemy and screw things up. I tend to overthink things.

3) Baby. In less than 4 weeks I will be an aunt. We are all really excited about him coming. So you will get an update when he does.

4) Birds. The birds are doing really well. They do all of these quirky things that CRACK me up. Fizzy, for example, likes to swing herself in the cage. She uses the bars to propel the swing back and forth. It's cute until she decides to grab for the cage at the wrong moment and almost falls. She does it all the time. It's HILARIOUS. Sparky is also doing well. She's my snuggler and she gets VERY upset if you don't pet her (on her terms).

Well, I plan to be more consistent in my blogging now so stay tuned!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Still Alive

I haven't posted, but I am still alive!